Unelmaa Land owners
Unelmaa Land lots have been for sale since 2014. Currently there is more than 50 Unelmaa Land owners from over 20 countries.
Unelmaa Meet-ups
Contact Unelmaa to learn more about upcoming Unelmaa meetups. Typical meetup schedule is:
- Summer meetup: 1st-2nd week of June
- Autumn meetup: Late August to end of September
- Winter meetup: Anytime between November and April
Unelmaa Builders Camp June 2018 - Featured in Facebook:

Unelmaa Meetup in November 2017:

Unelmaa Land Owner visits
Several Land owners have made visits to their Unelmaa Land.
Here is a story from Amer Shiraz about his incredible 2-night stay in Unelmaa in October 2017:

Amer's collection contains these four albums:
- Arrival at Salla (17 photos) Maps showing directions to reach Salla. Unelmaa Land is only 2.3 km from the Salla center and bus station.
- Road To Unelmaa (32 photos) Scenic views of the landscape around the road from Salla to Veeranpolku and then views of the forest from Veeranpolku to Unelmaa land. Veeranpolku 4 is 1.6km from Salla center and then after 700meters of forest road we arrive to Unelmaa Land.
- At the Forest Cabin (17 photos) Photos of the Laavu and items inside it.
- A beautiful day in the Woods (30 photos) Nice forest scenery around Unelmaa land, photos taken by Amer during the day exploring the forest and spending the night at the Laavu.
Michelle spending her birthday in her Unelmaa Land together with Han, October 2017

Land Owners
Here you can find some of our land lots with land owners. Every owner can add personal texts and images to one's own land lot page. If you visit your land please send us some stories and pictures about your trip. You can share your story by email or through our Facebook pages at www.facebook.com/unelmaaland.